Are Tactical Gloves Legal?

A man holding his fist out twards the camera wearing a hard knuckle tactical glove

Are Tactical Gloves Legal?

Tactical gloves are a hazy topic, with reliable information proving difficult to find. It seems like no one is able to answer the simple question: Are tactical gloves legal? The truth is, we cannot answer that question for you here, as we have no intention of offering legal advice. What we can do is tell you what our layman’s research has found and offer some general guidelines on how to avoid being caught in the crosshairs of the law.

That said, we highly recommend that you seek professional legal advice before making any decisions. And we take no responsibility for decisions you make based on this post.

Are SAP gloves legal?

Sap gloves are gloves that have a weighted section in the knuckle section of the fist. Are sap (weighted-knuckle) gloves illegal? The short answer seems to be yes, they are illegal in some areas, such as Massachusetts. However, it appears that they may be classified as less dangerous weapons in other areas of the USA and around the world.

Are tactical gloves legal?


Man on a motorbike wearing yellow hard knuckle gloves


This begs the question: are tactical hard-knuckle gloves different from weighted-knuckle gloves? And the answer, fortunately, is yes. Weighted-knuckle gloves are deliberately weighted in the knuckle region, while hard knuckle gloves are not weighted. The latter simply has a hard material covering the knuckles, for the sake of protecting the hand.

So it is unlikely that the sap glove illegalities apply to tactical gloves in general, providing they do not have weighted knuckles. This is especially true for tactical gloves that do not have hard knuckles at all.

Final Thoughts – Are Tactical & Weighted Gloves Legal?


Glove Brothers icon - two red gloves, one facing up, and one facing down


To the best of our knowledge, it seems that while weighted-knuckle (sap) gloves are illegal in some areas, tactical gloves without weighted-knuckles are unlikely to present legal issues.

For more information on the subject, check out our guides to who wears tactical gloves and whether tactical gloves are effective.

We hope this helps guide you in the right direction!


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